Real Time Correlation Indicator Released
Just released the new Real Time Correlation Indicator for MT4 -
Calculates Real Time Pearson Correlation Coefficeient for up to 30 currency pairs in real time and accross all MT4 timeframes.
Now you don't have to look at external web sites and wait for them to update their correlation data - this indicator recalculates on each incoming chart tick and comes with a custom template which provides a full screen uninterupted dispay.
Fully customizable as with all FX AlgoTrader products.
Calculates Real Time Pearson Correlation Coefficeient for up to 30 currency pairs in real time and accross all MT4 timeframes.
Now you don't have to look at external web sites and wait for them to update their correlation data - this indicator recalculates on each incoming chart tick and comes with a custom template which provides a full screen uninterupted dispay.
Fully customizable as with all FX AlgoTrader products.
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