New Product Release - Six Monthly Rolling Pivots for MetaTrader!

We are pleased to announce the release of a new six monthly rolling pivots MT4 indicator. This new product calculates the previous six months of pivot data and overlays them on any chart in MetaTrader 4. The trader can set up price action/pivot alerts and receive emails and/or on-screen popup alerts when price action comes within a specified proximity (in pips) of the target six monthly level. The indicator also gives the trader the option to plot last year's high and low on the chart.

A lot of traders are completely unaware of how important these long term pivot levels actually are - they only use Daily/Weekly and at best monthly pivots in their trading strategy. We have a quarterly pivots system as well as the six monthly version and they both add significant value to a trader's tool portfolio.

If you're unaware or not using long range pivots in your trading strategy.... you are missing a seriously important piece of the jigsaw!

For additional details please visit the product webpage. 
