Updated Pivots for MetaTrader MT4

We've made some minor tweaks to our highly acclaimed JFX Pivots System... now our Daily, Weekly and Monthly Tie Shiftable Pivots synchronise virtually pip perfectly with published levels from Action Forex

JFX Pivots for GBPUSD 17/06/16

Daily Central Pivot=1.41566  - Action Level=1.4155 (1.6 pips difference)
Weekly Central Pivot=1.43653 - Action Level=1.4365 (0.3 pips difference)
Monthly Central Pivot=1.45261  - Action Level=1.4527 (0.9 pips difference)

We used a +3 shift on all indicators to achieve synchronisation with Action's calculation basis. They publish their Daily calculation is from 21:00-21:00 GMT so we used

The differences are due to HLC price differentials between FXCM and wherever Action source their data from. Action used 1.4253 for their High - we used 1.42526. Action used 1.4012 for their low and we used 1.40115. Action's close was 1.4199 and our close was 1.42073.

We don't think there is a more accurate pivots system for MetaTrader MT4 on the market! Get the best there is.... or risk using inaccurate data!!!!


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